Saturday, March 8, 2008


YEAH we finally got a nice snow today. The kids were so excited they bugged us all morning to go out and play. We or should I say me attempted to make a snow man and the kids barely let me get him built before they knocked him down. I dont know what was worse the kids trying to knock my poor little snow man down or being hit by hard as a rock snowballs from my hubby who also likes to bug me. Brysons cheeks were so red when we finally came in he was so cute. The kids did a little sledding with the neighbors little girl and so did daddy but not me I said I cant risk getting hurt right now I have to much to do and too many people to take care of. It was a great day in the snow we had 3 inches here at our house. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I can't believe how big bryson & bailee are. they are so cute! So is your snowman. You did much better than me. I went out for about 10 minutes and couldn't take the cold, so back in I came. Needless to say there was no snowman, just 2 frozen asian girls and lots of wet clothes. They had a blast though. I will definitely add you, david, & bella to our prayer list. I hope she gets passed the acid reflux soon. Tell your mom & dad hello from us...