Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok well my kids ever since they have seen a baptismal at church that's what they play, well I caught them on video tonight, before they throw their sibling back they say Holy Spirit to God, thats all they remembered. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share with you all.
And yes that is Bailee's head hitting the floor very hard, im suprised she didnt cry. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

what a releaf.....

Well you all know its fall in Tennessee and boy do we have some leaf's. Sunday afternoon David mowed up the leaves that had already fallen. Now since we have a huge tree in our front yard you can not even tell that he did that. The kids have been asking to rake some leaves.

Well today was that day it was a tad warmer so we went out and had some leafy fun. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun filled Saturday

Ok well after such a rotten day on thursday I made up for it on SAturday. For my birthday I got a gift card to Dillards day spa. Now let me tell you I have had massage's before but never a facial. My gift card was for an hour service so I chose an hour facial. OH MY GOODNESS, I felt so relaxed that I thought man I can't frown for a week. It was so relaxing. After that I treated myself to lunch by myself to chick fil a since we cant eat there with bryson's peanut allergy and all then after that I went christmas shopping at toys r us since I was by myself.

That night we already had plans to go out to dinner and a movie with some couples from church. It was so nice to go to dinner and of course we went to see Fireproof which if you have not seen it oh my please go it was wonderful. My hubby didn't care about going to see it because he said he was no big fan of Kirt Cameron, but since we were going with a group then he didn't really have much say in the matter. :) But after the movie he said he was surprised at how good it was and that he really enjoyed seeing it.

The next best thing is that ever since the kids spent the night with my parents they want to all the time, last time it was just bailee and bryson but they all 3 were going to stay this time. Wow its so weird to be in the house where usually all you hear are kids and then not to hear that it was strange. So saturday for sure made up for my rotten time last week. I really enjoyed my me time and then my time with friends and david that night. Oh and just an update work was much better today thankfully. I will try and stick it out a little longer. :0

Thursday, November 13, 2008


OK here goes, I have had some pretty rotten times lately, now I know that there are others that have probably gone thru more than what I have but I just cant hardly take it anymore.

As you all know I work at the Parents Day out where the kids go. Well this year has been one stressful year I have 16 kids not so reliable help and just a lot has gone on this year that shouldn't.

Now the other factor is church. WE have merged well unofficially with Alta Loma, which with David being a deacon, on the transition committee, budget and finance, who knows what all else he always has a meeting, or something involving church, now don't get me wrong im thankful he is involved in church but I think sometimes he is too involved when we have 3 small kids at home.

I know I have the life that I have and I am thankful for my family but sometimes life is just too overwhelming like the 3 year old who will not stop talking to me right now while im trying to type. Im just a screaming person on the inside. I feel like all I ever do is try and have a relationship with he Lord things are good for a short time and then poof im back on that road where every time you try to take a step in the right direction you fall in this huge hole in the road and you get up to fall right back into the next one.

I know that the whole time we are here on earth we are not promised a bed of roses but sometimes I want to just go fall in a bed of roses and not worry about all I have to deal with sometimes.

Mentally, emotionally, and physically I'm exhausted. A lot of days I feel like all I do is just say Lord if I just make it thru this day.

Now today at work this other co-worker of mine was so awful to me that I have and am seriously considering whether or not I will return to work there. Now its such a catch 22 because my kids go there and love it, its a little bit of income, but I don't get a break from kids so the only benefit for me is a little extra cash and I keep thinking is it worth it? Is it worth dealing with 16 kids all day and then by the time you get home you have no patience what so ever with your own kids that you yell at them every time they open their mouth?, Is it worth it when you have to bear the load of someone else who just because their having a bad day you receive their wrath???? YOU know its just insane its like when Paul said "I do the things I don't want but don't do the things I should" so I'm faced with the decision whether or not I eliminate this stressful job and focus only on my family or continue in this situation for just a little extra cash? But then am I showing a quitter attitude just because I have a bad day??? Or I should say a bad last 2 weeks!!! SO anyway sorry for the unload but I just have to let it out..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nine month update

Well can you believe it Bella was nine months old on the 25th of October and she had her well visit yesterday. SHe weighed in at a huge 16.12 ha ha such a huge weight right. I cant believe this baby is so small im use to the other 2 being in the size of cloths their same age and Bella can still wear a 3-6 month its crazy. Even her height she is like 25th percent. I guess she is going to be short and sweet. :) Anyways the doctor said she looked great. Thats always a good thing. Its so hard to believe how fast it goes with the 3rd child... I remember this time last year and getting so excited about her arrival. Here are some pictures of her over the last few months. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Candy, Candy, and more Candy.....

Ok so I have the cutest pumpkin from the patch, the scariest Dragon, and the best singing Hannah Montana. :) Sorry im bragging too much huh?
We went to nana's house first on Halloween and from there we headed to Moss Wright Park to trick or treat along the trail. This is the first year we have gone there and it was really really nice. We ran in to Meredith, Mark from the old Riverside Praise team's wife, she was handing out candy and couldnt believe that we had 3 kids. Last time we saw her we only had Bailee. It was great to see her.

After that we headed to our church were they were having trunk or treat. The kids have so much candy. Its not good to have around when im still trying to get my weight off for insurance. Also the kids ask every 5 minutes for a piece of candy.

WE carved our pumpkin before we headed out yesterday. It was so funny because Bryson didnt want to touch it. Bailee liked it though she was having fun playing with the strings and seeds.