Sunday, October 19, 2008

My 1st Award YEAH

My friend over at gave me my 1st blogger award. THANKS

Now my task is to nominate 7 other blogs, well most of the blogs I read are the ones he nominated but I do have two So here they are

* My friend Kirsten over at She is a great friend, we attended church with her and her family for almost 10 years. I have watched their kids grow, have babysat them, and we may not always stay in touch but thank goodness for blogs because that is the best way to stay in touch.

* My friend Rob over at Rob is my former music minister, also Kirstens husband. Rob in my opinion is by far THE BEST Worship leader I have had!! THanks Rob for all your leadership that you gave us at Riverside. I also love reading your blog, its nice to know that I am not the only one that has spiritual struggles.

Pass on the blog love award. :)

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