Friday, October 31, 2008

A camping we will go......

OK so the kids have been wanting to go camping here is how it all unfolded:

Last Friday it poured rain all day, Saturday David had to work but would be off Monday. His big idea hey lets go somewhere close Sunday right after church and we will come back Monday afternoon. OK sounds like a great idea. Well you all know how hard it is to get ready for church with kids anyways, not to mention trying to make sure you have everything for a camping trip, hooking up a trailer and still being late for church no matter how early you get up
Well we made it. We went to Cages Bend in Gallatin a beautiful place. WE had a spot right on the lake and a great view. My mom and dad hung out with us that afternoon and then took Bella home with them.
Let the fun begin..... ha yeah well at 7:00 pm Bryson started throwing up. Yeah right whats worse than having a kid puke while camping... not bad you say well he threw up 2 more times and then went to bed. We thought OK if he will sleep we will stay. We went to be about 11:00 and Bryson threw up once more when we went to bed but went back to sleep. At this point we are sleepy and just think we well will try to stay. Well guess what at 12:00 Bailee wakes up throwing up. Yeah for us right well she gets it all over her pillow and she no longer stops and bryson starts again. I look at David and I say WE ARE GOING HOME. He agrees, throws the tent not neatly folded into the trailer, and accidentally throws away bailee's nice jacket, PJ's and brand new long johns away thinking it was trash but not realizing this until we are in Madison 10 minutes from home UGGGH!! What a time right. Well we get home about 1:45 am get the kids to bed after they puke one more time and get some sleep.

Monday we throw the tent up disinfect it, do like 6 loads of laundry and pick up Bella from my moms house. Sounds OK right.... NOT at 10:30 Monday night guess what? I start puking, and then guess what at 12:30 David starts puking. Oh my can I take much more???

Anyways we rested all day Tuesday felt human again by Wednesday which was my 28th birthday where we ran all day doing errands that had been neglected for 2 days, took bella to the doctor because of an ear infection ugh do we ever stop? Today is super busy being Halloween and all the kids are hiper as if they have already had a full IV of pure sugar. I think the only way to survive is to have one of the sugar IV's myself. :)

SO there you have it another interesting story from our family. I did get some great pics before all the craziness happened. Happy Halloween everyone. :)


RichFam said...

Wow. What bad timing for that to happen! My goodness. You poor things! I hope everyone is feeling much better now! :o)

Bronie said...

see? that's why i don't camp. hehe i hope everyone is on the mend. what a yucky trip. happy belated birthday! i wondered if joyce was camping with you guys or if that was just a "stock" photo. haha

Misty Burns said...

u poor thing. we had that same virus! luckily only me and elijah got it!!! of course elijah got it twice poor baby. hope ur halloween was better than ur camping trip!! happy belated birthday!