Well here we are again at the end of another year! 2010 has flown by it seems to me but with a busy schedule, work, and family life its no wonder.
New Years always bring about resolutions that people make and never keep, I have decided that this year I am not making resolutions I am gonna just make it a goal to live life to the fullest, play and laugh more with my children, and GROW more in Christ! Yeah I guess you could say those are resolutions but its some things that shouldn't be those are things that should just happen because life is too short to not partake in those everyday!
Even though we were originally going to be welcoming in a 4Th child in 2011 I am OK that we are not now! I have grown to live with the fact that it was not the Lords will and that He knows what its best! If God See's fit to add to our already crazy life then it will be in His time! No more thinking about it, depressed about it, it just is what it is!
Here's to a wonderful New Year and I pray that you all have a wonderful and prosperous new year!
The Adkinson Family