Thursday, December 18, 2008

ruff day...

WEll I wish i had better news for today. Bryson did so well yesterday and last night and then this morning he started dropping in his oxygen stats again and it actually got pretty scary at one point his numbers were getting a little lower than normally when he would drop. So once again we were back on oxygen and having to do the suction again. My little guy was so brave though he did not want to do it at first but then said ok guys you can do it. Bryson has such a sweet spirit about him right now. Now the bad thing is his lungs sound great there is no wheezing, so the doctors do not know why he keeps doing this. The doctor told us this morning that if he had a good day today we could go home this afternoon, well we didnt after all that. SO I know all of you guys are praying but please continue because at this point im not sure how much more of this i can handle it is so hard to see your child having to go through this, we have so many people praying for him and I know that the Lord WILL HEAL bryson but I just need patience, while we wait on the Lord to heal him. I will hopefully be able to post good news tommorrow. Thanks guys for your prayer support.


kirsten said...

we want to visit but don't want to spread any more germs.....tis the season for snot at our house.

we will pray for your time as "mommy"....and continued peace for Bryson.

Misty Burns said...

you are in our prayers daily. keep us updated! I pray that God will give you and david peace and comfort through this whole thing! we love you, and are praying for you.

RichFam said...

My heart aches for poor little Bryson. Such a brave boy to have to face all of this scary stuff at such a young age. It sounds as though the Lord is giving him the peace to endure it, too.

We'll keep praying, dearest sister in the Lord. We love you all.