Monday, September 15, 2008

Like Father Like Son.....

OK so Sunday morning we are all getting ready for church and Bryson comes out looking like the above picture. I told him im not so sure you should wear cowboy boots with shorts and his reply was Well Daddy said it looked ok. UGH!!! David and I do not agree on fashion and for all I know maybe there is no couple that agree's on fashion. None the less I thought it was cute, he got some cute chuckles at church and the best part he thought he looked good. Thats all that matters right!

Oh by the way I was told to make a correction from my last post: Aunt Amy wanted me to state the fact that it was not her that wanted to go back to the beach that it is all UNCLE JOHNS FAULT!!! OK sis in law it has now officially been stated in the blogging world. :)


RichFam said...

Ha ha. He is adorable. Ben went through a phase just like that when he was that age. He wanted to wear those cowboy boots everywhere he went - to church, to the playground, even to the beach in his swimming trunks! But, he eventually got over it, and is pretty good about matching his outfits correctly now.
Just be glad that Bryson is taking such an interest in getting himself dressed. It leaves more time for you to get ready on Sunday morning! :o)

Misty Burns said...

awe...he is still at that age where it's cute. precious!!

Bronie said...

um, did david wear his boots and shorts too? i wanna see a picture of THAT! :)

w is going through a phase where he wants to pick out his own stuff and came out a few weeks ago with no less than five shirts on. crazy kid. i told him they better end up back in the drawer and not in the laundry!