Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lesson Learned

OK so the question was asked how did the pool get a bazillion holes in it. My husband decided last winter instead of closing the pool down he was just going to leave it as is. Well HE learned a lesson there because remember in October when we had the big tree to fall in the back yard? Well since the winter cover was not on the pool when that tree fell toward the pool a bazillion little and big tree branches fell into the pool. In return that put little bitty holes in the liner. Lets just say that when we were cleaning that friday that there was so much debree that we swept it all up with a broom. So I asked David did he learn a lesson that you ALWAYS put on the winter cover whether the pool is green or clear. He answered yes I know. Thankfully they have underwater pool patches that fixed the problem so 6 dollars verses 400 for a whole new liner. Oh yeah I will let you know what my water bill is since it took 24 hours to fill the pool back up and then for a whole week we had to run water in the pool for 4 hours a day. I will accept donations :)


RichFam said...

Yikes. Quite an expensive lesson. Glad you learned it before the liner needed replacing! :o)

The growing Adkinson family said...

Yes I agree. You know these men are stubborn, but I think he did learn his lesson.

Misty Burns said...

well that's a man for ya!!! hahaha. just kidding. that is hilarious!

Bronie said...

well, the water bill i'm sure will be cheaper than the therapy if you all were cooped up in the house together for the entire summer! :)

kirsten said...

shoot. i was hoping for something like...well, bryson was swimming with a fork. ya know, something that really shows off your parenting skills.